Layered Intrusion Detection System Model for The Attack Detection with The Multi-Class Ensemble Classifier

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Vivek Deshpande


This paper presented a layered Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for attack detection in the network. The developed model comprises of the Multi-Class Hybrid Ensemble Learning in the IDS system termed the MCEL-IDS. The proposed MCEL-IDS perform ensemble learning for attack detection in the network. The MCEL-IDS system comprises multi-class features for the consideration of the attributes in the network. The experimental analysis expressed that the MCEL-IDS model achieves a higher False Positive Rate compared with the existing classifier. The MCEL-IDS achieves a higher FPR value of 0.86 which is ~12% performance improvement than the existing classifier.

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How to Cite
Deshpande, V. (2021). Layered Intrusion Detection System Model for The Attack Detection with The Multi-Class Ensemble Classifier . Machine Learning Applications in Engineering Education and Management, 1(2), 01–06. Retrieved from